← TX UBCWCID DAM 15 HUTTO TX Single Tracks →


This trail is a mix of singletrack and fence line (not quite doubletrack). We do 7-10 miles including repeats up the hill and along the road.
Start out on the singletrack that runs along the road for a mile or so (it pops out onto the shoulder a couple of times, so watch for cars). Turn around, heading back toward the parking lot, go right at the intersection then left back toward the road. At the low water crossing pick up the main trail that takes you up the hill until you reach a closed gate at the very top. Go right following the fence back down the hill. Pass two singletracks right, taking the third. Traverse the hill then meander through the cedars picking up the main trail again. Head back up, looking for singletrack right. Traverse the hill again until you reach the fence line, then go left, back up the hill. Turn around and come back taking the same piece of singletrack back to the main trail. Go right heading back up the hill until you come to another trail to the right. Traverse the hill again until the fence line. Head back to the top and prepare to bomb down the main trail (watch for hikers!)... repeat as necessary :^)


It's on the west side of Spicewood Springs Rd. North of Loop 360 about 2 miles.